Conference notice: the 18th China Urban Planning Discipline Development Forum

admin 1239 2021-10-21 14:33:06


The 18th China Urban Planning Discipline Development Forum
Jin Jingchang / Dong Jianhong Urban Planning Education Fund
Editorial Department of Urban Planning Journal
School of architecture and urban planning, Tongji University
Shanghai Tongji Urban Planning and Design Institute Co., Ltd
Co sponsored:
Academic working committee of China Urban Planning Society
Meeting time:9:00-17:00, October 30, 2021
Opening ceremony:9:00-9:15
Leadership speech:
Award ceremony 9:15-9:25
Award of "jinjingchang China urban planning excellent paper selection" in 2021
Guest "cloud group photo" 9:25-9:30

Wu Zhiqiang (academician of the Chinese Academy of engineering, academician of the German Academy of Engineering Sciences, academician of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, Professor of Tongji University)

Ten key words of urban and rural planning discipline development year (2021-2022)

Zhang Bing (director of land and Space Planning Bureau of the Ministry of natural resources)

Knowledge and practice of land spatial planning

Wang Jinnan (academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering)

Thoughts on urban carbon neutralization (temporarily)

Liu Dahai (director of coastal zone science and Strategy Center, No. 1 Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of natural resources)

Land and sea planning: thinking and practice of marine and coastal zone planning and management

Zheng Degao (vice president of China urban planning and Design Institute, professor level senior planner)

Comparison, strategy and action of green city and low carbon city

Ye bin (director of Nanjing Municipal Bureau of planning and natural resources, party secretary)

Thoughts on the improvement of land and space governance ability and the expansion of industry basic knowledge and skills

Tian Li (Professor, Department of urban planning, School of architecture, Tsinghua University)

Land spatial planning from the perspective of land development right

Yang Junyan (Professor, Department of urban planning, School of architecture, Southeast University)

Technological evolution and trend of urban design

Zhang Shangwu (vice president and Professor, School of architecture and urban planning, Tongji University)

Overall delimitation of "three zones and three lines" and optimization of land spatial layout: difficulties and methods

(the speech sequence may be adjusted)

Online conference: (please pay attention to the follow-up notice for the live broadcast website)

Meeting contact:

Contact: Zhao Qian

Tel: 021-65983507-8013


Address: room 702, building C, School of architecture and urban planning, Tongji University, No. 1239 Siping Road, Shanghai, 200092

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  • Source: Dadgogo -
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